No American or East Anglian can think seriously about B-17's today without feeling the tug of their great purpose and destiny. They were the two-fisted tin cans that tore the roof off a deranged empire. When they swarmed over occupied Europe, people blessed them. One day, when several hundred of them roared across Holland, a little girl cried out in fear. Her father put his arm around her, took her hand, and looked up. "Listen to it, Helene," he told her. "It's the music of angels."

One Last Look by Rex Alan Smith.

Attention B-17 Veteran's and their Families!

We need your help! This site is dedicated to preserving the stories of B-17 crewmembers and we need your contribution. Please take a few moments to tell us about you or your family member's experience with the B-17. Just click here to add your information to our Veteran's section.

To see our Veteran's page and find out what it is all about, click here.

The Memphis Belle Moves to the National Air Force Museum
On October 12, 2005, the Memphis Belle arrived at the Wright-Patterson AFB Area B restoration hanger. She is now sitting there awaiting the beginning of her final restoration.
Photo courtesy the WPAFB web site.
  "Liberty Belle" Destroyed by Fire
Flames erupted Monday, June 13, 2011, on the “Liberty Belle” shortly after the bomber took off from the municipal airport in Aurora, west of Chicago. All 7 passengers managed to exit the aircraft before she succumbed to the flames.
  B-17 Queen of the Sky Online Store
Brought to you by Cafe Press, we have a number of "B-17 Queen of the Sky" merchandise including t-shirts, sweaters, coffe mugs, mouse pads, clocks and more! stop by the shop and see what's new!
  "Piccadilly Lilly II" Restoration
The famous "Planes of Fame" museum in Chino, CA is currently restoring the B-17G "Piccadilly Lilly II". This aircraft was used in the 1960s TV series "12 O'Clock High". Visit their website to contact them for more information on how you can help.
  "Fuddy Duddy" now on West Coast
The B-17G known as "Fuddy Duddy" now resides at John Wayne Airport in Orange County, CA. Owned by GEN Lyons (USAF Ret.) her new home is at the Lyon Air Museum.


A message from the Author:

This site is dedicated to those who flew in the hostile skies around the world during the Second World War in the B-17 Flying Fortress. Many men fought, and died, protecting the freedoms that we hold dear today. Unfortunately, those that survived the war are growing fewer in number with each passing year and with them are going their stories of survival. This site, and those that are linked from this site, are an attempt to preserve those stories so that they may be passed on to our children, grandchildren and, hopefully, to their grandchildren as well. To the Veterans who fought and to their families, I wish to express my deepest gratitude.

Troy Lyman

Missions flown since May 12, 2003.
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Last Updated on 08/12/2013

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